Saturday, April 23, 2022

Update on NECKO Community Garden - Work begins soon!

Good morning, NECKO neighbors - Just in time for the beautiful weekend, OSU has provided an update on the schedule for the community garden site work near the new parking garage.  Work on the site begins this week.  

See more below and be sure to email with questions.  Enjoy the weekend!

---------- Forwarded message --------- 
From: Stazzone, Aldino <>
Subject: FW: OSU 200103-Dodd Parking Garage: Community Garden Outline Schedule

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Below is the bulleted schedule for the Community Garden from EMI.  **Please note this tentative schedule is weather dependent.**


  1. Week of 4-25-22 EMI starts working on site excavation for the community garden area
  2. Week of 5-2-22 Irrigation and soils will start in southern part of project by community garden area
  3. Week of 5-9-22 Asphalt path placed near community garden area. Base for community garden as well as planters will start this week as well.
  4. Week of 5-16-22 planters at community garden area. Including fencing around garden area.
  5. Week of 5-23-22 Tree and shrub planting begins east side of garage.
  6. Soil, and plants to follow.
  7. Week of 6-6-22 Landscape/hardscape finished east side of garage and community garden.